New Entrant Assessment
Before a new field enters FPS, we will carry out a technical assessment to determine the impact of the new field's pipeline liquids on FPS.

This has several parts: pipeline and processing capacity assessment, an integrity review, a flow assurance analysis and a check to confirm that the new field's pipeline liquids have no adverse impact on the resultant Forties Blend.
We have prepared the following pro-forma data sheet that the operator of a prospective new field can complete in order to facilitate this process. This has four input sheets:
Allocation & Valuation: This sheet enables FPS to calculate the Raw Gas and Forties Blend yield following the application of an indicative allocation and valuation procedure on the proposed fluids. This provides the entrant with redelivery product data to perform economics and allows FPS to determine the gas product rates (in combination with the profile data on the next sheet) that determine the impact on the capacity of the gas processing trains at Kinneil.
Profile: We have requested an average profile and a capacity profile for the new field. This enables us to assess the impact of the new field on the capacity of the system. We have also included optional upside and downside profile data, which will assist in the process of determining booking rules that meet the needs of the field and FPS.
Specification: This sheet enables FPS to assess the impact of the impurities in the pipeline liquids on the FPS System and Forties Blend.Along with confirming that there are no integrity issues, this also allows us to determine any impact on corrosion inhibition policy, and to determine any impact on product treatment facilities.
Flow Assurance: This sheet enables us to evaluate any flow assurance issues, such as pumpability and wax deposition.
Technical Information Template (XLS 990 KB)
For an overview of the FPS technical process and other information we require to complete our technical review.