
Conversion of INEOS Phenol GmbH & Co. KG

INEOS Phenol GmbH & Co. KG has been converted into a limited liability company under German law (GmbH) changing its name to INEOS Phenol GmbH.

INEOS Phenol GmbH has been provided with a registered equity capital of 52 Mio Eur.

The conversion has been resolved upon by the partners of INEOS Phenol GmbH & Co. KG on 2 December 2008 and has become effective upon registration the commercial register on 19 December 2008.

This corporate conversion will not result in any changes for our business partners, since INEOS Phenol GmbH will continue, as a limited liability company, to belong to the INEOS Group. Upon effectiveness of the conversion, INEOS Phenol GmbH will continue rights and obligations of INEOS Phenol GmbH & Co. KG.

There will be no change in respect of contact persons within the management of the company; likewise, the address and all other contract details will remain exactly the same.

Only our value added tax ID has changed to: DE 815028576

Our new commercial register data are:

Eintragung Amtsgericht Gelsenkirchen HR B 9687

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