INOVYN's site at Martorell (Spain) was built in 1972 with the aim of providing PVC to the country's growing building and construction industries. The site manufactures VCM and PVC.
Since its foundation, the site has increased its PVC production capacity to become Spain's largest PVC producer. Sitting on 56 hectares, the site is located near to Barcelona, in one of the major industrial regions of Spain. Its proximity to France, Italy and the Mediterranean Sea means the site is strategically placed to serve southern Europe and the Mediterranean markets. Products manufactured at Martorell are widely used as raw materials in the building and construction sector. The Site has also hosted the largest ECU in Spain until December 2017 when it has been stopped in accordance with the Industrial Emissions Directive. The company is currently evaluating the options for an investment in a new membrane production ECU. The site is widely recognised for its best-in-class products, achieved thanks to a highly qualified and skilled staff and its outstanding SHE performance. Martorell Site is certified to ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001 and EMAS.