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Trimellitic Anhydride

TMA – trimellitic anhydride - is a trifunctional, highly reactive aromatic anhydride. The white, free-flowing flakes are available in a variety of packaging sizes.


TMA, Trimellitic Anhydride

TMA – Trimellitic Anhydride - is a trifunctional, highly reactive aromatic anhydride.  The white, free-flowing flakes are available in a variety of packaging sizes.

Vinyl plasticizers based on TMA offer a blend of benefits unmatched by polymeric or phthalate plasticizers.

  • The low volatility of trimellitates makes them ideal for high temperature applications such as electrical wire & cable insulation, automobile interiors (retention of softness and elimination of window fogging), appliance gaskets, and flat-roof membranes
  • Trimellitates are highly permanent plasticizers for PVC medical products, combining very low volatility with good extraction resistance and are used in applications like haemodialysis tubing, neonatal care and blood platelet storage
  • Withstanding high humidity environments and repeated washings with soapy water make trimellitates an excellent choice for vinyl shower curtains, vinyl upholstery and other sheet applications where permanence is desired
  • Trimellitates do not mar “lacquer” surfaces and other polymers and are used for vinyl products that contact finished surfaces like refrigerator gaskets, binders, and portfolios

TMA is used in high solids, waterborne, powder, coil, and radiation cure compliant coatings in demanding applications for appliances, automotive OEM and refinishing, can coatings, coil coatings, industrial maintenance, metal furniture, wood furniture and kitchen cabinets, machinery and equipment, and architectural trim and exteriors. 

TMA in coating resins

  • Enhances branching and crosslinking for improved hardness and resistance properties for all coatings, in particular powder coatings and coil coatings
  • Brings water dispersibility to resins in waterborne coatings
  • Speeds up reactivity for faster processing times
  • Brings hardness and flexibility to the resin backbone

TMA is used to make ester-imide and amide-imide high performance, high temperature wire enamels and magnet wire coatings for copper and aluminum wire used to make tight coils in transformers, inductors, motors and generators used in critical applications.

TMA is an essential component is high performance polyamide-imide fibers, high performance lubricants, epoxy curatives, dye intermediates, dental adhesives, and enteric coatings.