Here you can find information about the INEOS Pigments sites.

Our Locations
The Ashtabula Complex consists of two facilities – Plant 1 and Plant 2 – that produce titanium dioxide pigment (TiO2) and titanium chemicals products.
Performance Summary
Ashtabula’s commitment to sustainable growth balances the company’s responsibility to provide economic value while respecting the social concerns of the community in which we operate and demonstrating care for the environment.
Respecting Social Concerns
- Community Involvement — The company is actively involved in the local community including the American Red Cross; Ashtabula Chamber of Commerce; Ashtabula County Medical Center Foundation; Ashtabula Safety Council; Civic Development Corporation; Growth Partnership for Ashtabula County and Leadership Ashtabula County.
- Education — Employees from the Ashtabula Complex supported numerous educational activities including Career Days and Science Project Judging at local schools; Growth Partnership Mentorship Program and Scholarship; Cooperative Education Program and the Ohio Chemistry Technology Council’s Teachers in Education Program.
- Safety Performance — As of December 2018, Ashtabula Plant 2 has achieved 10.5 million work hours (over 7,898 days) without a lost-time injury and Ashtabula Plant 1 completed over 368,000 work hours (over 240 days) without a lost-time injury. From 2010-2017 the injury rate averaged 0.49, and in 2018 the complex injury rate averaged 1.31. The complex continues to ensure the safety and health of our employees and contractors in the forefront of all that we do. Recognizing that all injuries are preventable, we continue on our Journey to Zero injuries and incidents.
- Environmental Performance — A complex-wide emissions cap was incorporated into the plant’s air permitting to provide flexibility in managing air emissions going forward. Ashtabula continues to manage carbon through the carbon management initiatives and continues to realize reductions in carbon monoxide and carbonyl sulfide air emissions.
- Energy Efficiency — A cogeneration plant began operation in 2001 to provide steam and electricity to both plants. The project was recognized for reduced fuel consumption and responsible energy management with a combined Heat and Power Certificate of Recognition.
Glen Burnie
INEOS Pigments’ corporate headquarters is located in the world-class research and administrative facility in the Baltimore, Maryland, suburb of Glen Burnie. The facility is home to commercial, supply chain, finance, human resources, research and development, and technical services departments for the company. The employees here support the company’s commitment to titanium dioxide and the coatings, plastics, paper industries.
Caring For The Environment
The INEOS Pigments’ corporate headquarters is committed to sustainable growth balancing the company’s responsibility to provide economic value while respecting the social concerns of the community in which we operate.
- Safety Performance – The employees in Glen Burnie have achieved more than 23 years and 3.5 million safe work hours without a lost time injury.
- Prevention – The site has a program in place to ensure the safe operation and maintenance of our processes so that accidental releases are prevented.