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On occupational and process safety, energy efficiency, health and environmental protection, as well as quality and risk management.


Company Policy

Our goal is to make the workplace of our employees safe, to minimize risks, and to prevent accidents and incidents within the realm of process safety. By acting responsibly towards other people and the environment, we also want to protect the interests of our customers, suppliers, neighbours, authorities and any others with vested interests, as well as the generations to come. Safety, health and environmental protection on the one hand, and economic success on the other hand are corporate objectives sharing equal ranking. When in doubt, safety and health and environmental regulations take precedence. 

The quality of our products, services and internal processes are subject to continuous improvement. All employees are encouraged to work proactively towards this goal in their departments. Any situations that could have a negative impact on quality, occupational and process safety, energy efficiency, health or environmental protection must be avoided or eliminated.

Our principles are:

Satisfied customers

Customer satisfaction is the basis for our business success.
The consistently high quality of our products and services is an essential prerequisite. We work closely with our customers and always try to meet their needs and expectations. Also with regard to internal cooperation, each of our employees is committed to ensuring the highest quality.

Environmentally friendly products

We offer only those products that we can make, use, transport, and dispose of safely and in accordance with the relevant safety and environmental regulations. We conserve resources by using raw materials and energy as economically and efficiently as possible.

Compliance with accepted standards

We operate our production facilities and warehouses according to the highest internationally recognized standards in terms of safety, health and environmental protection. We not only comply with the statutory requirements, but go even beyond that whenever economically feasible. In the event of an incident, we have an effective, regularly trained emergency organisation with detailed alarm and emergency response plans.

Reliable partners

We work towards ensuring that our suppliers and service providers meet the legal requirements regarding safety, health and environmental protection, and that they acknowledge our corporate standards. We also expect them to have corresponding risk awareness and a consistently high level of quality. Therefore, we select only reliable, qualified suppliers and service providers whose performance we assess regularly.

Involvement of experts

Before any decisions are made regarding risks, quality, energy efficiency, safety, health or environmental protection, the appropriate specialists (e.g. works doctor, commissioned experts) must be consulted in due time. This is needed, for instance, in the case of investments, maintenance and repairs, the introduction of new work materials and workflows, as well in the case of new constructions or modifications. Also, works councils are involved in sufficient time in the context of employee participation.

Open communication

We maintain an open and transparent dialogue with our customers, suppliers, employees, neighbours, authorities and the public regarding our activities in the areas of safety, health and environmental protection.

Personal responsibility

The ultimate responsibility for occupational and process safety, energy efficiency, health and environmental protection, as well as quality and risk management rests with the Board. It creates the organisational prerequisites for the implementation of the company policy and provides the necessary resources. It ensures that challenging objectives and programs are defined on a regular basis and it monitors their implementation.

Each and every employee is obliged to comply with our corporate policies on occupational and process safety, energy efficiency, health and environmental protection, as well as quality and risk management and to intervene immediately if these are not followed. In situations where people or the environment are put at risk, the work must be stopped immediately. Appropriate corrective actions must be taken and the instructions of emergency personnel must be followed without reservation.

Zero-defect tolerance

We expect our employees to act cautiously in order to avoid accidents and safety and environmental incidents. We do not accept any employee deviance at the workplace. This also applies to our standard of quality. Preventive measures, therefore, are of paramount importance. We also carefully analyse any significant nonconformity and take appropriate measures to eliminate the causes long-term.

Management role model

Every manager is a role model and responsible in his or her department for occupational and process safety, energy efficiency, health and environmental protection, as well as quality and risk management. It is the duty of the managers to gain a comprehensive knowledge of all relevant rules and regulations and to ensure their observance. Managers are also required to provide instructions as needed, to train their workforces to be conscious of occupational and process safety, energy efficiency, health and environmental protection, as well as quality and risk management, and to improve this consciousness sustainably through the appropriate education and training measures.

Wolf Hänel
Managing Director
INEOS Solvents Germany GmbH
Moers, June 2014


INEOS is committed to fulfilling its REACH obligations under its commitments to Responsible Care, free trade and in limiting risks of exposure to chemicals for health and the environment. Its businesses have registered with the European Chemicals Agency those substances subject to a REACH registration which are manufactured or imported in quantities exceeding 1 tonne per year.

It continues to work, alone or with co-registrants as required, to ensure that dossiers are maintained up to date and of the required quality and, where relevant, address activities pertaining to dossier evaluation, substance evaluation, restriction and authorisation. Where applicable, INEOS is also developing dossiers for REACH-like registrations in other parts of the world. If you have specific questions regarding REACH for the substance you purchase from INEOS, please contact the specific INEOS business.

Solvents REACH

INEOS Solvents

Homberg EMAS Certificate
Marl EMAS Certificate 9001 14001 50001