C3 Alcohols
Here you can find information about Isopropylalkohol and Diisopropylether (DIPE)

Grades available:
- Isopropylalkohol (IPA), Pharma grade
- Isopropylalkohol (IPA) Cosmetic grade
- Isopropylalkohol (IPA) Premium grade
- Isopropylalkohol (IPA) Technical grade
- Deicers
- Household cleaner and furniture polish
- Inks and lacquers
- Cosmetics
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Foods industry
- Foundry additives
- Printing additives
Diisopropylether (DIPE)
Extracting agent to activate components (pharma and foods sector)
For more information
Business Manager: Fabio Robbiati solvents.orders@ineos.com