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Potassium Hydroxide

KOH flake.jpeg

Potassium Hydroxide (KOH), Liquid (45%-50%). INEOS KOH is uniquely focused on potassium-based chlor-alkali products, like potassium hydroxide (KOH). Produced by the electrolysis of potassium chloride brine, KOH has high pH and is highly corrosive, making it uniquely suited for a broad range of applications which require these physical properties and/or require a source of potassium.

It is appreciated for being a clear, colourless liquid and a strong alkali. We offer KOH in 45% and 50% solutions. It is shipped via tank car and tank truck.

Applications and Markets:

• Alkaline batteries
• Runway de-icing
• Dyes
• Liquid fertilizers
• Food additives
• Crop protection
• Oil & gas drilling
• Pharmaceuticals
• Potassium carbonate
• Potassium phosphates
• Soaps & detergents
• Water treatment

Potassium Hydroxide (KOH), Anhydrous (Briquette). KOH briquette is produced by compacting flake KOH into “pillow-shaped” briquettes. KOH briquettes have long been used in the oil and gas industry to remove moisture and other impurities in liquid and dry oil and gas streams.
Our KOH Briquette is a solid white “pillow-shaped” briquette and a strong alkali. It is available in 400-lb. drums and 2,000-lb. super sacks.

Applications and Markets :

• Oil and gas drying and purification


Potassium Hydroxide (KOH), Anhydrous (Flake). Flake KOH is produced by evaporating water from a concentrated solution of liquid KOH. Molten KOH is poured onto a cool metal drum where it immediately crystalizes and is scraped from the drum.

Our anhydrous KOH is a highly soluble white flake and a strong alkali. It is available in 50-lb. bags, and 2,000-lb. super sacks

Applications and Markets :

• Alkaline batteries
• Flavors and fragrances
• Oil and gas purification
• Crop protection
• Industrial soaps and detergents
• Organic chemicals
• Petroleum refining
• Pharmaceuticals

Product resource table

Liquid Potassium Hydroxide 45% PSS SDS Chemical manufacturing, fertilizer, batteries, soaps
Liquid Potassium Hydroxide 50% PSS SDS Chemical manufacturing, fertilizer, batteries, soaps
Solid Flake Potassium Hydroxide 90% PSS SDS Chemical manufacturing, fertilizer, batteries, soaps
Solid Walnut Potassium Hydroxide 90% PSS SDS Chemical manufacturing, fertilizer, batteries, soaps