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INEOS is committed to maintaining high ethical standards and operating responsibly in accordance with the law and its Code of Conduct, which is regularly updated and shared with our employees and key external stakeholders. Individually and collectively our teams are accountable for legal compliance, and our requirements and behavioural expectations for all INEOS businesses and their employees are outlined in the code.
The board of each INEOS business is responsible for ensuring that it adheres to INEOS' policies and operates within the law at all times. Legal compliance is a regular item on board agendas. To assist the board, a compliance manager is embedded within each business. The managers lead legal compliance initiatives, are responsible for ensuring INEOS policies are followed, and support the board with the development and implementation of a business compliance plan.
There are four key areas to compliance management that businesses must address:
Networks are fundamental to INEOS’ system of sustainability governance due to our federal structure. As well as playing a critical role in developing group-wide policies, as mentioned above, our cross-business networks are used to disseminate information on group policies and targets, share sustainability best practice, and collaborate on managing cross-business sustainability issues.