Innovative sulfur technology leader providing environmental and supply chain solutions for customers in the water, mining, and oilfield markets.

INEOS Calabrian is committed to meeting or exceeding all applicable environmental, health and safety laws and regulations and aligning with INEOS’s 20 Safety Principles.
In order to maintain compliance and continuously improve performance, the following policy will serve as guidance to our SHE initiatives and actions:
INEOS Calabrian is committed to:
Operating our facility in a manner that protects employees, public health and the environment.
Seeking to conserve energy, water and raw materials and reduce environmental impacts.
Seeking to continuously minimize the risks from manufacture, use and disposition of products and associated waste streams.
INEOS Calabrian will meet these commitments by:
Establishing SHE goals and regularly measuring performance against these goals.
Integrating SHE standards, including risk identification and control, into business decisions, plans and operations.
Making every employee responsible for SHE compliance performance.
Providing all employees with the education and training they need to satisfy their SHE responsibilities.
Reviewing operating procedures, policies and training programs periodically to ensure continuous improvement.
Communicating openly with employees, customers, the public and regulatory agencies regarding safety and environmental aspects of our chemicals and products.
Operating within designed boundaries and taking the assets to their safest state should there be any doubt about the ability to safely operate.