INEOS Nitriles have world leading technologies covering Acrylonitrile production

INEOS’ patented acrylonitrile process technology is the established world leader, used in over 95% of the world’s acrylonitrile plants. In addition, INEOS manufactures and markets world leading Acrylonitrile catalysts. The INEOS process and catalysts are recognized as delivering highest conversions of raw materials to useful products, while maintaining on-stream plant reliability factors in excess of 98%. INEOS sets the standard for safe and low cost production of acrylonitrile and co-products.
Acknowledging the significance of the technology, the American Chemical Society has designated INEOS’ “Sohio Acrylonitrile Process” a National Historic Chemical Landmark. Indeed our knowledge and technical support is provided by experts drawing upon over 50 years of global industry experience.
This extensive experience and understanding makes INEOS the leader in designing reactor/catalyst systems with better yields, fewer shutdowns, and fewer environmental problems than any other technology supplier.
News clippings
Sohio’s exploratory program in catalytic oxidation began in 1953 at Cornell Road laboratory in Cleveland, with the first successful lab experiment conducted in 1957.
Pilot plant scale-up, first production facility design, and licensing activity was conducted simultaneously
World’s first plant utilising the Sohio process (AN #1 at Lima, OH) was completed in 1960, transforming the production of Acrylonitrile. The new process required one-tenth the capital cost vs. existing technology, allowing for larger scale plants and higher product purity.
Within 5 years all acetylene-based production disappeared, and producers licensed from Sohio.