INEOS O&P Europe continually searches for opportunities to optimise and better utilise its considerable assets of land and infrastructure.

INEOS Olefins & Polymers Europe has the capacity to manufacture over 8.5 million tons of chemicals and polymers at our eight sites.
Leading European producer of Olefins and
Employees in Europe
O&P Europe (UK)
O&P Europe (North)
O&P Europe (South)
INEOS Olefins & Polymers Europe has the capacity to manufacture over 8.5 million tons of chemicals and polymers at our eight sites. These are used to produce a wide range of derivative products, which both enable and enhance many aspects of life today.
We are Europe's largest olefin producer with four of Europe’s most highly integrated and differentiated crackers, based in France, Germany, Norway and the UK. We produce 5.5 million tonnes per annum of olefins and aromatics, and 3 million tonnes of polyolefins. From a broad technology base we are able to produce polymers which are specifically tailored to provide high value solutions to customers in our chosen market sectors.
Our products are found in industries and applications as diverse as:
Our eight manufacturing sites all have strong competitive advantages and benefits, including economies of scale, advantaged feedstocks, on-site integration with derivatives, proprietary technology and proximity to our customer base.