Innovene Pension Plan Statement of Investment Principles
This SIP has been prepared by the Trustee of the Innovene Pension Plan (the “Plan”). This statement sets out the principles governing the Trustee’s decisions to invest the assets of the Plan.

The Trustees of the Innovene Pension Plan and INEOS Chemicals Pension Plan (the Plan’s) are responsible for the Investment of the Plan’s Assets. As part of statutory legislation they have to produce a Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) detailing their objectives and the parameters they work within. This statement has always been available to the members of the Plan on request.
In addition, new legislation for UK pension schemes also requires the Trustee of the Plan to produce an Implementation Statement detailing how the Trustee has implemented the policies in the Statement of Investment Principles, including investment strategy, risk management, and environmental, social, and governance (‘ESG’) matters. The Implementation Statement covers the 12-month accounting period for the Plan and will be updated annually.
This information is required to be placed on a publicly searchable website. The Trustees have therefore agreed with the Company that the statement will be located on the Company’s webpage, copies of the documents can be found using the links below.