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INEOS Calabrian is the leading North American manufacturer of on-purpose sulfur dioxide.


INEOS Calabrian at a glance

Employees 100

Employees around the world

Production 120K

Tonnes per annum

Turnover $80M

Total turnover



INEOS Calabrian

INEOS Calabrian is a leading on purpose manufacturer of ultra-pure sulfur dioxide and related derivatives such as sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, sodium thiosulfate and sodium sulfite.  The company operates integrated manufacturing facilities in Port Neches, TX, USA and Timmins, ON, Canada. SO2 produced by INEOS Calabrian derivatives – sodium bisulfite, sodium thiosulfate and sodium metabisulfite –exceed quality standards across a range of industries.  Imagine what INEO’s Ultra-Pure SO2 can do for you!

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Our Markets

INEOS Calabrian products are used in a broad range of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment applications to achieve compliance with federal and local water regulations, as well as other specialty applications in personal care, pulp and paper processing, food preservation, oilfield production, mining (gold, silver, iodine, cobalt and manganese), lithium battery recycling and disinfection.


Our Process

INEOS Calabrian produces sulfur dioxide through a proprietary process called  SO₂Clean®. Rather than burning sulfur using ambient air like most processes, INEOS Calabrian creates a chemical reaction between sulfur and pure oxygen. Because pure oxygen is more sterile, this leads to consistently exceptional purity levels.
The  SO₂Clean® process has 1) a lower environmental impact compared to other production methods, 2) no by-products or co-products created that could limit production or become waste, 3) does not require a sulfuric acid plant, therefore no-byproduct sulfuric acid, 4) no nitrogen nor sulfur trioxides are produced during the process, 5) no process wastewater, so nothing is discharged into waterways, 6) low water consumption, 7) minimal landfill waste and 8) a low environmental footprint to ensure corporate responsibility and sustainability.  
