Community Information
Here you'll find information relating to the community such as our warning systems, incidents and exercises.

INEOS Grangemouth Warning Systems
We test our on-site sirens twice a week. These audible sirens may be heard outside of the site boundary depending on weather conditions. There is no requirement for members of the public to take any action.
On Mondays, at 11:45am the sirens are tested on the North side of the site (refinery and to the North of Bo’ness Road including INEOS FPS).
On Fridays, at 11:45am the sirens are tested on the South side of the site and our Jetty area within the Forth Ports facility.
The North side and South side sirens emit a different sound so that we can distinguish between the two.
During these tests, there is no requirement for personnel on site to take action nor for our neighbours or those in the vicinity of the INEOS site.
In the event of an incident, these on-site sirens may be sounded to alert our own personnel of the need to muster so that we might account for everyone in that particular area. Under these circumstances, members of the public should go about their normal daily routines unless otherwise advised by the emergency services.
From time to time we will test the robustness of our procedures by undertaking on-site exercises. This may involve the activation of our on-site alarms outside of the twice-weekly testing regime. Whilst these sirens may be audible outside of the factory fenceline, there is no requirement for members of the public to take any action.
MICC Siren
The only siren that the public should take action upon hearing is the MICC warning system.
The MICC warning system is a Grangemouth-wide siren system, operated on behalf of all the member companies of the MICC (Major Incident Control Committee). It is tested twice a year on the first Wednesdays of June and December.
The aim of the twice-yearly test is to check the operating systems, monitor the sound footprint in relation to varying weather conditions, maintain and improve the awareness level of the local community and the necessary actions required, summarised as GO IN, STAY IN, TUNE IN.
More information regarding what action to take in the event of this siren being activated is available on the Falkirk Council website: