
Graduate Training Scheme re-accredited

The site's Graduate training programme has, for the third time in a row, been accredited by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). The Grangemouth site first achieved accredited status of its training scheme in 2007, followed by re-accreditation in early 2010.

The Institution of Chemical Engineers only accredit training schemes that meet their rigorous standards for providing optimum training opportunities

The two IChemE assessors conducting this further re-assessment of the chemical engineering training scheme were met by the refinery manager, co-sponsor of the Graduate training scheme.

Gary Newman, Process Engineering Technical Authority and ACTS Scheme Manager, hosting the re-accreditation process, provided the assessors with an overview presentation of the INEOS training scheme. There was also the opportunity for the assessors to meet and have conversations with a cross section of the Graduates currently on the scheme (and their mentors) – to ensure that the scheme was delivering its intent.

On learning of the re-accreditation status, Gary said, This is a tremendous accolade for the site and for the high-quality training programme our chemical engineers receive when they join the Company. The Institution of Chemical Engineers only accredit training schemes that meet their rigorous standards for providing optimum training opportunities and support for new graduates seeking Chartered Chemical Engineer status. The assessors were most complimentary in their summing up session and confirmed that the scheme was ensuring Chartership of our trainees.

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